Dani from Postcards from the Mothership posted this meme (I don't even know what "meme" means) on her blog today. I thought I'd play along:
15 years ago today I would have been:
- um, fourteen and in grade 9 at Thom Collegiate in Regina
- newly single after breaking up with Ryan (aka, Ol' Daddy Sizzleguts who comments here sometimes) with whom I remained friends (and in fact we recently had our first playdate with our two boys... is that weird?)
- listening to jazz and the Beatles and wearing baggy jeans, bowling shirts and too much plaid - (sigh) ah, grunge.
10 years ago today I would have been:
- nineteen years old and completing my first year at Canadian Bible College
- having daily pity parties because Peter was going to be gone tree planting all summer
- starting a job search that would eventually lead me to work with my mom at SaskTel, the provincial phone company
5 years ago today I would have been:
- in Calgary, at home on maternity leave with 10 month old, Liam
- looking at housing ads so we could move out of the condo we were renting and into a real house (with a yard) so I could open a dayhome and not go back to work
- working at a gym and in better shape than before getting pregnant (another sigh)
1 year ago today I would have been:
- counting the hours til I could test to see whether I was pregnant (with Andrew)
- slowly, nervously packing
- hoping and praying for Peter's secondment to come through so the government would pay for our move to Ottawa
This year I am:
- looking forward to warm weather and being able to spend lots of time in the (newly fenced from last year) backyard WITH a garden to work in
- hoping to improve my photography skills - hopefully with a new lens... or two.
- so excited for Peter to be done language training and to find out what his actual job will be
Today I:
- am blindingly tired
- will enjoy using my clothes line and drying my clothes in the bright spring sun
- am missing my son and my dad
Next year I hope:
- to be less tired
- to be more organized
- to be completely out of debt
In five years I hope:
- to be living in Africa
- to have one more baby naturally and to have adopted (or be in the process of adopting) a child or pair of siblings
- to be homeschooling my then 10 year old Liam (sharp intake of breath)... 7 year old Simon (chin quivering)... 5 year old Andrew (eyes misting)... and any other additions to our family *see above*
Very lovely meme, Amy. I also did this on my blog today.
ReplyDeleteI am sending you a personal email...
My goodness Amy, you really are so keenly aware of where you are and where you are going. I envy you.
ReplyDeleteI watched the video you posted about your son. Oh my aching heart. Hugs to you my dear. And to your family.
Thank you both for you words/notes/thoughts. It means a lot.
ReplyDeleteThis is excellent! I need to do one, although I'm not very good at planning that far ahead but we'll see!
ReplyDeleteThat is sweet. I think I may wish to do this one myself...